ARC Finishes Conference Play Undefeated, Wins Big 8 North Conference Title Fifth Consecutive Season

ARC Finishes Conference Play Undefeated, Wins Big 8 North Conference Title Fifth Consecutive Season

ARC-9                    DVC-0

Overall14-2         Conference: 10-0


The Beavers traveled to Pleasant Hill to take on the Big 8 North second place team Diablo Valley Vikings. It was the Beaver's best team performance of the season. All three doubles matches were close, but ARC was able to pull away at the end of each match for the doubles sweep. The doubles charge was led by the #1 team of Alex Meliuk/Seppi Capaul as they defeated the highly talented tandem of Garrett Goldman/Mariano Salvador 8-5. Cody Duong/Sean McDaniel won their match 8-6 with a late break at #2 and TJ Aukland/Justin Barton also earned an 8-6 victory at #3. The Beavers also swept the singles, led by Duong (#1) scoring a 6-3, 6-2 victory over DVC #1 Goldman and Seppi Capaul (#3) grinded out a tough first set before cruising in the second for the 7-5, 6-1 win. Meliuk (#2), McDaniel (#4), Aukland (#5), and Dylan King (#6) also played well in their respective singles victories. With the win, the Beavers solidified themselves as sole champions of the Big 8 North, a feat they achieved for the fifth straight season in 2016. Next up for the Beavers will be the individual Big 8 North conference tournament where ARC players will attempt to qualify for the end of season individual state championships in Ojai.