Men's XC Races at NorCal Preview

Men's XC Races at NorCal Preview

The Beaver Men's Cross Country team raced at the George Brooks Invite which serves as the NorCal Preview meet as the course will be used for the NorCal Championships in November. The team came away with a 5th place showing. The Beaver's came into the race looking to make sure they learned the course so they are better prepared for the NorCal Championships November 3rd. Beacuase of where they are at with their trainig, Coach Seawell had the team spend the first 3 miles completely together before being given the ok to finish as hard as they can the last mile. The Beavers did this to perfection as they all moved up really well in the last mile of the race and moved up to 5th place as a team. They took away the knowledge of how the course runs, and will look to come back in November to win the team title. 


Beaver Results.

14th) Mateo Delgadillo 22:41

23) Jaden Trujillo 23:13

26) Roman Walton 23:19

28) Ethan Vahle 23:27

31) Nathan Diaz 23:36

36) Joey Johnson 23:43

46) Jayden Wells 24:06

50) Will McCoy 24:17

91) Brian Fackert 25:32


Next up is Chabot Twilight, Thirsday September 28th.