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#MyJucoStory Takes Social Media to Advocate for JUCO Sports


As the decisions on whether to keep fall sports swept across the country on the pro, NCAA, and high school levels, California Community Colleges waited patiently to see if young men and women would have the opportunity to compete at the "juco" level.

Community Colleges are a place that athletes can use as a springboard for their athletic career, earning scholarships to play at the 4-year level, as well as to pursue their college and university education. Student athletes tend to perform better than the general student population thanks to the discipline that athletics provides them, the support from their coaches, and their academic team. And most of all, because they have each other. Community College sports are a community. Life long friendships are built, careers are started, accomplishments are made - together.

On June 9, 2020, the California Community College Athletic Association Board of Directors adopted the Conventional Plan that allows cross country, football, women's golf, soccer, women's volleyball, water polo, and wrestling to compete during the fall. Competition will begin on September 11 except for football (Sept. 26) and will allow for 75% of the maximum number of contests currently permitted. The season, including any regional championships, will end by Nov. 25.

The Conventional Plan is most like traditional sports seasons but is also dependent on the state of California being in Phase 4 of its reopening plan by July 17. Phase 4 is the most open of the state's reopening plans. To read more, please go to

Prior to that decision and in the coming days, current and former student athletes united in a social media campaign to advocate for community college sports. The hashtags were #MyJucoStory #MyOpportunity #MyPathwayToSuccess #CCCAA , tagging their community colleges, their coaches, and the CCCAA.

Here are some of the stories that former ARC Beavers posted on their social media:

  • Armand Shyne: JUCO was one of my best experiences of college football. It gave me an extra opportunity to play and pushed me to reach new goals. I built a bond with many people and it was a time in my life I won't ever forget.
    Evyn Holtz: ARC isn't just about football it's about striving to be the best version of yourself every day. Coach O and the staff pride themselves on nobody working harder than them. The culture at ARC is unmatched and I'm forever grateful I got to be a part of it.
    Ben Davis: Without attending ARC I wouldn't be able to say I lettered in the B1G and became a first generation grad. I wouldn't be able to say that I'm attending grad school and playing my last year of football at the University of New Mexico. Thankful is an understatement.
  • Derrick Henderson: Honestly playing at ARC didn't make me love the game of Football more and didn't get me a D1 scholarship it did something far better than that. Playing at ARC gave me a second option, it built my character, it humbled me. It showed me how to be proactive in my life.
  • Garrett Chapman: I've been doubted my whole life when it comes to this game. @Coach_Ohout gave me an opportunity to compete with the best at ARC to prove myself, those 2 years of Juco Football have molded me into the man I am today & I can't thank him enough for it.
  • Hunter Rodriguez: Without ARC I wouldn't have been given the opportunity to play the game I love and get an education at the next level. ARC was much more than just football, Ill forever cherish the friendships and experiences we built during my time there.
  • Marco Baldacchino: ARC football made me the man I am today. I made relationships of a lifetime. Coach O and the staff there thoroughly changed my life and gave me an opportunity to prove all of my doubters wrong.
  • Trey Price: ARC football helped me grow and mature into the man I am today. @Coach_Ohout and his staff believed in me and gave me an opportunity to chase my dreams. I am forever grateful for the experiences and friendships I made at ARC and would not trade them for anything.
  • Diego Cervantes: The first thing that comes to mind when I think about JC Ball is Family. And ARC provided nothing of short that. The relationships and coaching I received pathed the way for my success at the highest-level of college ball.
  • Nikko Thomas: ARC football program is where I learned how to be my own man. I was fortunate enough to be coached by amazing men who were not only great coaches but mentors as well. Juco is where men like me develop, mature, and grow.
  • DJ: MyJUCOStory began after I transferred from Sacramento State. I called @Coach_Ohout and asked him for an opportunity and he told me that he was happy I decided to transfer there and told me he would give me the opportunity to play and get back to a D1 if I was willing to work
  • Jacob Winkle: ARC provided me an opportunity to pursue an education and become a first gen graduate and on my way to a master's degree. Without ARC and the coaching staff I would not be on pace to start my dream career in the next 2 years!
  • Adam Lopez: I was headed in the wrong direction in life coach took a chance on me and it changed my life ARC Football changed my life JUCO changed my life.

For many more stories, check out the hashtag #MyJucoStory on Instagram and Twitter.

Go Beavers!